
I slipped the dark shades over my brown eyes, glancing the perimeter of the tall building, a small grin forming on my lips as I noticed only one security guard monitoring the door.

Right on time...Good work, Ang.., I thought to myself as I tightened the grip on the breifcase I held, twirling it around against my palm before stepping off the curb with a stiffled laugh.

How fuckin' easy will this be? There's a million dollar ruby hidden within the desk of the wealthiest man in North Carolina, John VanDlavek--of Russian descent, 35-years old, light blonde hair, pale blue eyes...handsome features..

If I wasn't about to take his precious jewel, I'd probably flirt with him. He'd be in my bed by morning, or maybe in the morgue..

For you see, I'm not as innocent as I look, especially for my age and gender. I'm 21-years old, with a body that no man can resist. I use my body and my looks to get what I want--obviously, but I do have some feelings in this heart of mine.

The secret is to never ever let your feelings get involved in business, which isn't all that hard for me--considering I work alone. I've never really had a desire to work with someone else, the risk of betrayal is really too much for me to stand, so I prefer to rely only on myself. I guess it's more dangerous this way, but I've become pretty good at my job, so it's not that big of a hassle.

Not that I'm a heartless bitch or anything, but I really don't have time to become involved in a relationship, especially since I'm a jewel thief. I might fall in love with someone and they rat me out to the cops, believe me--it's happened before, but luckily I've been able to cover my tracks, I don't even have a police record. I can slip into a building and not even be recognized, my boss says it's because I'm such a babyface and no one expects me to do anything wrong.

I'm not saying that I don't wish I had a boyfriend or at least a companion, it gets quite lonely sometimes, especially during the long nights. Sometimes I just wish there was someone to hold me and support me, but that's not gonna happen anytime soon, so why waste my breath?

I quickly cross the street, glancing down at the watch on my left wrist and then darting my eyes back to the multi-story building. The gleam from the sun rays bounce off the glass windows, making them look like bright tiles.

"Perfect...5:30, I can do my work in daylight even, how simple..", I grinned to myself, slowly approaching the guard standing at the post like a lazy watchdog. Clipboard in hand, flashlight at his waist, and a smug grin as he stands with his arms folded, absently scratching at his stomach.

What a slob.., I thought to myself, Discheveled clothes, messy hair, tight pants, the beer belly of a pig..

Business is business, I thought--pulling down my shades as I reached in front of myself and tugged down the front of my tank top a little more, revealing desireable cleavage with a huge fake smile.

"Hi, my name is Ivanna Stroeck...pronounced 'Stroke...I'm here to visit Mr. VanDlaak..", I spoke in a perfect Russian accent, a lusty smile spreading across my face as I brushed the hair away from my eyes.

What did you expect? My full-blown New York City accent?! Maybe you forget that I'm a genius, things aren't always how they seem...you will learn that later on. Besides, if you were listening--the man is Russian, I researched him for weeks, he only dates Russian women. Obviously I'm not Russian, but I perfected my fake accent in just a few months by taking Russian classes and reading books on pronounciation. So HA! That proves that I'm smarter than you! Well...Maybe it doesn't...

He stiffened up a bit, glancing down at me with a smile, as his eyes trailed down to my chest, "I--I don't believe he's expecting you, Miss..", he kept his eyes focused on my breasts as I smiled and arched my back a bit, bringing them to his full attention.

I moved closer to him, trailing my finger up and down his chest as I brushed my body against his arm, quickly stealing the pen from the top of his clipboard and writing the name on the bottom of the list as I winked and pinched his cheek. He oogled and continued to focus on me, not paying attention as I slipped the pen back into its holster on the clipboard.

"Well...why don't you check the list, babe?", I grinned seductively, curling my fingers under his chin and tipping his eyes up to lock with mine. I continued to trace the outline of his jacket with the tip of my index finger, exposing the little red ball at the end of my barbell as I bit my lip.

I smiled sweetly as he stared open-mouthed, a little mesmerized and stunned as he snapped out of it and looked down at the list, noticing my "name".

What a sucker..., I twirled my dark brown hair on my finger, giggling and raising an eyebrow as he gulped and looked back up at me.

"Oh...sorry about that Ms. Stroeck, I didn't see you on the list the first time--", he shakes his head, "I dunno what's gotten into me lately..", he laughed nervously--glancing back down at my cleavage once again before clearing his throat.

I moved closer to him to whisper into his ear, feeling him tremble against my body as I grabbed my breifcase, "I bet you didn't, cutie..", I winked and lightly patted him on the stomach, making my way through the doors that the doorman already opened for me.

I heard him let out a deep sigh as the door closed behind me, I smiled to myself and shook my head amusingly, slipping off my shades and placing them in the front pocket of my jeans. I looked around, a fairly new building--it's a bank, but it just so happens that the bank closes at 4 PM everyday, so there's really no one here but some guards, me, and Mr. Vandlaak's steel safe. I bit my lip and glanced at my watch again, JC should be calling me soon to buzz me on the architecture of the building, letting me know which rooms were easy-accessible and which were not. I reached into my pocket and pulled out an earbud, tucking the small gadget into my ear and combing my hair over it with my hand.

The earbud is the safest that I can communicate with my boss, it's so small and efficient that I could whisper to myself and he'd hear me clear as day. It's so tiny that people barely notice it, and it's soundproof, no one can hear a single word he says, even if they were standing right next to me and he was screaming at the top of his lungs, so it's pretty advanced.

JC was a former jewel thief himself, as intelligent as anyone I've ever met. He taught me everything I know, we first met in Manhatten when I was 18, when I used to use my brain to hack into FBI and CIA confidential files. Word got around that I was an expert at getting computer info that supposedly "un-hackable", and JC tracked me down and told me that we could make hundreds of thousands of dollars by hacking into computer systems worldwide.

We both became quite wealthy from selling the confidential files to other countries, but I realized that there's way more money in stealing jewels, so I began to train to become a specialist in not only stealth techiniques, but Martial Arts as well. So basically, JC trained me to defend myself and take what was needed without being seen or caught.

I have plenty of money, that's not a problem anymore--it's just the thrill and excitement of the job that amuses me the most. I'm one of the best at what I do, and that's hard as hell to say when you're a young woman. There's so many people to prove to that you can do your job well, especially in this field of employment. Respect is earned not given freely, and I certainly have earned the respect of many of my male-counterparts.

"Ang? You there, gorgeous?", his voice crackles through the earbud as I smile, sliding over near the bathrooms to the far right corner.

"Hey J, wuzzup? Where are you?", I ask lightly, making sure to keep my voice in a low tone as I hear him laugh.

"I'm in Australia right now, doing a deal with some Aussie that wants to buy that diamond you're about to steal, so you gotta pull through for me, Ang..", he replies softly as I hear a thick Australian accent in the background.

"Don't I always?", I grin as I open the leather breifcase and pull out my laptop, typing quickly as I put in a disk he sent me, smiling as the blue-prints of the building flash onto the screen. I press the screen where the main safe is, surprised at the details of how to manuever through the building are obviously clear and simple.

"You never disappoint me Angel, but there's something to worry about for this job...there's an unknown man working for some guy in North Carolina to steal that ruby too, so he may be lurking around..", he sighs, "Just don't let him get to it first, alright??", he informs me softly--a hint of warning in his voice.

I connect the wires to my earbud, downloading the directions to the safe directly to the tiny memory bank within the mini-hard drive built within the bud. It'll read out the directions to me as I walk through the building, telling me who and what to expect in every situation.

I raise an eyebrow, "Alright Jayce, you know I can handle myself...you just handle that buyer for now and I'll get back to you after I capture the ruby..", I instuct, watching as the download completes and disconnecting the wire from my earbud and placing it back into the breifcase, shutting the laptop and closing the case.

I hear his light chuckle on the other end, "Okay Ang, call me whenever...Stay safe..", he replies with a small click on his tongue, as the line goes dead.

Mysterious man?? Who else knows about this deal? If I run into the asshole, he's gonna get his teeth knocked out by my fist. This is my jewel, I worked hard to prepare for this job, and I'm not gonna let some guy take it away from me.

I quickly stand on my feet again, immediately walking over to the elevators after a guard walks away from the area, returning to his post.

I quickly scamper over to the doors as they open automatically, and I slide inside, pressing the 9th Floor button as they shut once again.

I let out a sigh of relief and sit on the floor, opening my laptop once again and studying the blueprint.

Hmm...there's cameras on this floor, in the safe, in his office, and 4 in the hallway--on opposite sides.., I think to myself, quickly logging onto the bank server and hacking into their security branch, timing the cameras to turn off at exactly 6 o'clock and turn back on at 6:15. That gives me approximately 15 minutes to get in and get out with the ruby, how perfect. The guards won't notice because they take a small break at 6 to switch shifts for exactly 18 minutes everyday. This gives me plenty of time to get in and out of the building..

I grin and take out a blue-colored pixy stick from my breifcase, opening the top and sucking the powder from the small tube as I put my laptop away, getting back to my feet as the doors open.

"Yummy..", I laugh to myself as I slip the tube into my pocket, crumbling it in my hand.

'Go straight...beware--there is a guard sleeping down the hallway to your far right..', the computerized voice warns, as I heed the warning and slowly unzip my boots, changing them to a pair of red and white Pumas so I won't be detected.

I slowly walk down the hall, quietly humming along to the music playing in the earbud in my right ear, singing along with Jay-Z's rapping.

I rip the right earbud out, slipping it into my pocket so I can concentrate on the instructions and listen out for any other danger that can't be detected by the computer.

'Guard approaching your left...hide behind the desk to the far right, and make sure to keep quiet..', the voice hums into my ear, as I silently dash down the hallway, staying on my tip-toes as I slide on the onyx-colored tiles, diving behind the desk and spinning around once on my ass.

I hold my breath as I hear the guard clear his throat, the sound of his shoes squeaking against the floor as his keys jingle at his waist. I sigh and press the back of my head against the wood, closing my eyes and gasping for breath until I hear him walk back down the hallway, the ding of the elevator as he gets back on to finish his other rounds.

"Shit..", I release a long gasp in one breath, pulling myself up to my feet and slipping past the hallway as the guard snores louder, his hand on his stomach.

'Laser security approaching the hallway of the office...crawl beneath them on your stomach...', the voice instructs as I nod, slowly approaching the tall glass door as I peer inside and notice a tiny skylight, the sun's rays peering throughout the room.

I smile and open the door, hearing the faint buzz of the lasers hum softly. I immediately pull a mirror out of my pocket, glancing up at the skylight and sticking it to the door, watching as the sunlight reflects off the mirror and exposes the location of the various beams.

I sigh and drop to my knees, snuggling my body against the smooth floor as I crawl under the electric blue beams, making sure to keep my body low and quiet.

Halfway through.., I sigh to myself, continuing to manuever my way on my hands and knees, until I finally reach the end. But something catches the corner of my eye as I look up, a sudden noise interrupts my concentration.

"Angel...", I hear a soft voice whisper almost eerily, in a familiar tone. I gasp and dart my eyes around the room, trembling as I freeze and listen for the voice again, but I hear nothing.

I pull myself off the floor, shaking my head in disbelief, I swear...JC better not be playin' around like that.., I convice myself silently, running over to the cracked glass door directly ahead of me.

'The safe is in here...Mr. VanDlaak is in his study--taking his usual 10 minute nap...He as usual, left the door to the safe open, the ruby is hidden--you must be able to use your training to find it..', the voice informs me before I hear it shut down.

It's all up to you, Ang...you gotta get this done.., I repeat ocassionally, running my hand through my hair before tugging the earbud out of my ear and stuffing it into my pocket.

I slowly open the door, stealthily dashing to the safe and quickly slipping inside, slightly closing it behind me.

I sigh to myself as I work, trying to keep my mind off of anything except getting caught. I couldn't get caught, I wouldn't be caught. I quickly grabbed the small black box off the shelf, stuffing in my pocket. I grinned, mission accomplished. Now I could get the hell out here in one piece.

I closed the safe, suddenly freezing as I backed into a solid frame. I closed my eyes and drew in a sharp breath, a small chuckle ringing in my ear.

"Hey gorgeous...It's been awhile.."

I gasped as I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist, squeezing me against his body. I turned around quickly, only to be pulled into a kiss.